Nora has been talking about getting her ears pierced for a long time now but every time I ask her if she wants to get them done she chickens out. Since she started school she has been noting all the girls that have earrings and keeping a mental tally. So on Sunday she informed me that she was going to get them done "the day after tomorrow." I chalked this up as a bluff and simply nodded. On Monday she said that she was getting her ears pierced the next day. I thought that was interesting but didn't quite take her seriously. Well this morning she got up and said "Today is the day I get my ears pierced." I told Jim and he said that I should go ahead and take her and that she would probably chicken out at the last minute. I agreed. So we got in the car and when we pulled into the mall parking lot I thought she would back out. She didn't. When we got to the store I thought for sure that she would back out. She didn't. When they asked her to get into the seat and started marking her ears, she would definitely back out. She didn't! She let them do it without a peep. I asked her how it felt after the first one went in and she simply said fine and turned her head to get the second one done! Wow! That was not what I was expecting!
1 comment:
I can't believe it. I don't remember how old you were when you got your ears pierced, but I don't think you were that brave, that young.
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