Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Book Worm

This is how I find Nora a lot these days. I guess it's in her blood (I'm talking about you GB!)

Getting Back to Normal...Sort of...

We actually didn't spend the entire weekend doing housework. Our refinance went through so we decided to back off a little and took the kids ice skating. They had a great time and want to go back soon. Nora and Jack did really well. Jack can almost skate on his own after just an hour of skating with the crates. Benny on the other hand would rather sit on the bench...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yes, We're still going...

Kids bathroom vanity

This is the kids tub. They've already taken a bath in it. It's significantly deeper than our old tub so Jack think he is a dolphin...

Kids toilet with beadboard that Jim put up.

Another view...

Master tub. I think it's calling my name...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting There

Here are some pictures of our latest progress...
Jim was able to put in the sinks in the master bath. We actually have running water!!
He even put in our toilet.

Another view...

This is what I worked on all weekend and all last weekend. This is the kids bath tub. The tile took me forever!

You wouldn't think so but that little inset shelf is what took the most time.

Jim hung this light in the hallway.

He's also making a lot of progress on the stairs. They look really nice.

This is the tile that I put in the entry. It still needs to be grouted. It's black slate.

Another view. The grout will be grey. You can see where the tile ends we will put a bench and some storage.