Thursday, April 16, 2009

Busy Weekend

We had a really crazy weekend. Most of my family came for Easter and then we had to make a trip to the emergency room on Sunday afternoon. My niece fell and cut her lip badly. Well to make a long story short we were there until 2 am so that they could fix her up. She's fine now but it was a long day into night. Then my Benny had another ear infection, one of many this winter. So that lead to some sleepless nights as well. Everyone is now back on track, thankfully.
I made these button elastics with some button covers that I found in my sewing box. I hope this quiets my creating urges for now (and makes a soon to be six-year-old happy) since I haven't had the time or energy to do much else lately. I found a tutorial here in case you're interested. I didn't quite follow it, but close enough.

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